Module Synth

module Synth: sig .. end

Operations on synthesizers.

class type t = object .. end

A synthesizer.

type synth = t 

A synthesizer.

class create : (float -> float -> Audio.Generator.t) -> t

Create a synthesizer from a function which creates a generator at given frequency and volume.

class create_mono : (float -> float -> Audio.Mono.Generator.t) -> t

Same as create with a mono generator.

class sine : ?adsr:Audio.Mono.Effect.ADSR.t -> int -> t

Sine synthesizer.

class square : ?adsr:Audio.Mono.Effect.ADSR.t -> int -> t

Square synthesizer.

class saw : ?adsr:Audio.Mono.Effect.ADSR.t -> int -> t

Saw synthesizer.

class monophonic : Audio.Generator.t -> t

Synths with only one note at a time.

module Multitrack: sig .. end

Multichannel synthesizers.