Module Image.YUV420

module YUV420: sig .. end

Operations on images stored in YUV420 format, ie one luma (Y) and two chrominance (U and V) channels.

type data = (int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t 

Data of a channel.

type t 

An image in YUV420 format.

val width : t -> int

Width of an image.

val height : t -> int

Height of an image.

val create : int -> int -> t

Create an image of given width and height.

val blank_all : t -> unit

Clear an image (sets it to black).

val make : int ->
int ->
data ->
int -> data -> data -> int -> t
val internal : t ->
(data * int) * (data * data * int)