Module Ogg_flac.Encoder

module Encoder: sig .. end

Encode ogg/flac data


Usage is similar to the case of the native FLAC encoder, using the appropriate ogg/flac encoding callbacks.


type ogg 

Variant type for ogg/flac encoder

val callbacks : ogg Flac.Encoder.callbacks

Create a set of ogg/flac callbacks to encoder an ogg/flac stream

val create : ?comments:(string * string) list ->
Flac.Encoder.params -> ->
ogg Flac.Encoder.t * Ogg.Stream.packet *
Ogg.Stream.packet list

Create an ogg/flac encoder.

The returned value contains an encoder value that can be used with the functions from the Flac.Encoder module, as well as an initial ogg packet, that should be placed in its own page at the beginning of the ogg stream, and then the remaining initial packets, containing comments data, that should be placed in some ogg pages before and not containing any audio data. See ogg stream documentation for more information on ogg data muxing.

val finish : ogg Flac.Encoder.t -> unit

Terminate an ogg/flac encoder. Causes the encoder to flush remaining encoded data. The encoder should not be used anymore afterwards.