Savonet : Download and install liquidsoap

Installing Liquidsoap

You can install liquidsoap with OPAM (recommended) or from source, or using a package available for your distribution (not covered by this documentation).

Install using OPAM

The recommended method to install liquidsoap is by using the OCaml Package Manager. OPAM is available in all major distributions and on windows. We actively support the liquidsoap packages there and its dependencies.

You can read here about how to use OPAM.

A typical installation with MP3 and Vorbis encoding/decoding and icecast support is done by executing:

opam depext taglib mad lame vorbis cry samplerate liquidsoap
opam install taglib mad lame vorbis cry samplerate liquidsoap

Most of liquidsoap's dependencies are only optionally installed by OPAM. For instance, if you want to enable opus encoding and decoding after you've already installed liquidsoap, you should execute the following:

opam depext opus
opam install opus

opam info liquidsoap should give you the list of all optional dependencies that you may enable in liquidsoap.

If you need to run liquidsoap as daemon, we provide a package named liquidsoap-daemon. See savonet/liquidsoap-daemon for more information.

You can also install liquidsoap or any of its dependencies from source using OPAM. For instance:

git clone --recursive
cd liquidsoap
opam pin add liquidsoap .

Most dependencies should be compatible with OPAM pinning. Let us know if you find one that isn't!

Windows build

You can download a liquidsoap for windows from our release page, starting with version 1.3.4.

The build process is described here.

Installing from source

You can download source code published by Savonet from the github releases page.

The recommended way for newcomers is to use the liquidsoap-full-xxx.tar.gz tarball. This tarball includes all required OCaml bindings and allows you to compile and install liquidsoap in a single configure, make and make install procedure. You will still need the corresponding C libraries and their development files, though.

You will then have to build the source.

Latest development version

If you want a cutting-edge version, you can use the git repository. To get a copy of it, you have to run:

git clone liquidsoap
cd liquidsoap
make init

After, that you have to create a list of modules that you want to compile. A good starting point is to do


and edit the PACKAGES file to uncomment the libraries you are interested in. You should then run the configuration scripts by


and finally build Liquidsoap:


After that, you should synchronize the repository from time to time using

make update

Some more explanations can be found in the build instructions.