#!/usr/bin/liquidsoap # Standard settings set("log.file.path","/var/log/liquidsoap/pi.log") set("init.daemon",true) set("log.stdout",false) set("log.file",true) set("init.daemon.pidfile.path","/var/run/liquidsoap/pi.pid") # Enable telnet server set("server.telnet",true) # Enable harbor for any external # connection set("harbor.bind_addr","") # Verbose logs set("log.level",4) # We use the scheduler intensively, # therefore we create many queues. set("scheduler.generic_queues",5) set("scheduler.fast_queues",3) set("scheduler.non_blocking_queues",3) # === Settings === # The host to request files stream = "XXXxXXXx" # The command to request files scripts = "ssh XXxxxXXX@#{stream} '/path/to/scripts/" # A substitution on the returned path sed = " | sed -e s#/path/to/files/#ftp://user:password@#{stream}/#'" # Enable replay gain enable_replaygain_metadata () pass = "XXxXXXXx" ice_host = "localhost" descr = "RadioPi" url = "http://radiopi.org" # === Live === # A live source, on which we stip blank (make the source # unavailable when streaming blank) live = strip_blank( input.harbor(id="live", port=8000, password=pass, buffer=8.,max=20.,"live.ogg"), length=10., threshold=-50.) # This source relays the live data, when available, # to the other streamer, in uncompressed format (WAV) output.icecast(%wav, host=stream, port=8005, password=pass, mount="live.ogg", fallible=true, live) # This source relays the live source to "live.ogg". This # is used for debugging purposes, to see what is sent # to the harbor source. output.icecast(%vorbis, host="", port=8080, password=pass, mount="live.ogg", fallible=true, live) # This source starts an archive of the live stream # when available title = '$(if $(title),"$(title)",\ "Emission inconnue")$(if $(artist), \ " par $(artist)") - %m-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S' output.file(%vorbis, reopen_on_metadata=true, fallible=true, "/data/archives/brutes/" ^ title ^ ".ogg", live) # === Channels === # Specialize the output functions by partial application output.icecast = output.icecast(description=descr, url=url) out = output.icecast(host=ice_host,port=8080,password=pass,fallible=true) out_aac32 = out(%fdkaac(bitrate=32)) out_aac = out(%fdkaac(bitrate=64)) out = out(%mp3) # A file for playing during failures interlude = single("/home/radiopi/fallback.mp3") # Lastfm submission def lastfm (m) = if (m["type"] == "chansons") then if (m["canal"] == "reggae" or m["canal"] == "Jazz" or m["canal"] == "That70Sound") then canal = if (m["canal"] == "That70Sound") then "70sound" else m["canal"] end user = "radiopi-" ^ canal lastfm.submit(user=user,password="xXXxx",m) end end end # === Basic sources === # Custom crossfade to deal with jingles.. def smart_crossfade (~start_next=5.,~fade_in=3.,~fade_out=3., ~default=(fun (a,b) -> sequence([a, b])), ~high=-15., ~medium=-32., ~margin=4., ~width=2.,~conservative=false,s) fade.out = fade.out(type="sin",duration=fade_out) fade.in = fade.in(type="sin",duration=fade_in) add = fun (a,b) -> add(normalize=false,[b, a]) log = log(label="smart_crossfade") def transition(a,b,ma,mb,sa,sb) list.iter(fun(x)-> log(level=4,"Before: #{x}"),ma) list.iter(fun(x)-> log(level=4,"After : #{x}"),mb) if ma["type"] == "jingles" or mb["type"] == "jingles" then log("Old or new file is a jingle: sequenced transition.") sequence([sa, sb]) elsif # If A and B are not too loud and close, fully cross-fade them. a <= medium and b <= medium and abs(a - b) <= margin then log("Old <= medium, new <= medium and |old-new| <= margin.") log("Old and new source are not too loud and close.") log("Transition: crossed, fade-in, fade-out.") add(fade.out(sa),fade.in(sb)) elsif # If B is significantly louder than A, only fade-out A. # We don't want to fade almost silent things, ask for >medium. b >= a + margin and a >= medium and b <= high then log("new >= old + margin, old >= medium and new <= high.") log("New source is significantly louder than old one.") log("Transition: crossed, fade-out.") add(fade.out(sa),sb) elsif # Opposite as the previous one. a >= b + margin and b >= medium and a <= high then log("old >= new + margin, new >= medium and old <= high") log("Old source is significantly louder than new one.") log("Transition: crossed, fade-in.") add(sa,fade.in(sb)) elsif # Do not fade if it's already very low. b >= a + margin and a <= medium and b <= high then log("new >= old + margin, old <= medium and new <= high.") log("Do not fade if it's already very low.") log("Transition: crossed, no fade.") add(sa,sb) # What to do with a loud end and a quiet beginning ? # A good idea is to use a jingle to separate the two tracks, # but that's another story. else # Otherwise, A and B are just too loud to overlap nicely, # or the difference between them is too large and overlapping would # completely mask one of them. log("No transition: using default.") default(sa, sb) end end smart_cross(width=width, duration=start_next, conservative=conservative, transition,s) end # Create a radiopilote-driven source def channel_radiopilote(~skip=true,name) log("Creating canal #{name}") # Request function def request () = log("Request for #{name}") ret = list.hd(get_process_lines(scripts^"radiopilote-getnext "^quote(name)^sed)) log("Got answer: #{ret} for #{name}") request.create(ret) end # Create the request.dynamic source # Set conservative to true to queue # several songs in advance source = request.dynamic(conservative=true, length=400., id="dyn_"^name,request, timeout=60.) # Apply normalization using replaygain # information source = amplify(1.,override="replay_gain", source) # Skip blank when asked to source = if skip then skip_blank(source, length=10., threshold=-40.) else source end # Submit new tracks on lastfm source = on_metadata(lastfm,source) # Tell the system when a new track # is played source = on_metadata(fun (meta) -> system(scripts ^ "radiopilote-feedback " ^quote(meta["canal"])^" " ^quote(meta["file_id"]) ^ "'"), source) # Finally apply a smart crossfading smart_crossfade(source) end # Basic source jazz = channel_radiopilote("jazz") discoqueen = channel_radiopilote("discoqueen") # Avoid skiping blank with classic music !! classique = channel_radiopilote(skip=false,"classique") That70Sound = channel_radiopilote("That70Sound") metal = channel_radiopilote("metal") reggae = channel_radiopilote("reggae") Rock = channel_radiopilote("Rock") # Group those sources in a seperate # clock (good for multithreading/multicore) clock.assign_new([jazz,That70Sound,metal,reggae]) # === Mixing live === # To create a channel from a basic source, add: # - a new-track notification for radiopilote # - metadata rewriting # - the live shows # - the failsafe 'interlude' source to channels # - blank detection def mklive(source) = # Transition function: if transitioning # to the live, fade out the old source # if transitioning from live, fade.in # the new source. NOTE: We cannot # skip the current song because # reloading new songs for all the # sources when live starts costs too much # CPU. def trans(old,new) = if source.id(new) == source.id(live) then log("Transition to live!") add([new,fade.final(old)]) elsif source.id(old) == source.id(live) then log("Transitioning from live!") add([fade.initial(new),old]) else log("Dummy transition") new end end fallback(track_sensitive=false, transitions=[trans,trans,trans], [live,source,interlude]) end # Create a channel using mklive(), encode and output it to icecast. def mkoutput(~out=out,mount,source,name,genre) out(id=mount,mount=mount,name=name,genre=genre, mklive(source) ) end # === Outputs === mkoutput("jazz", jazz, "RadioPi - Canal Jazz","jazz") mkoutput("discoqueen", discoqueen, "RadioPi - Canal DiscoQueen","discoqueen") mkoutput("classique", classique, "RadioPi - Canal Classique","classique") mkoutput("That70Sound", That70Sound, "RadioPi - Canal That70Sound","That70Sound") mkoutput("metal", metal, "RadioPi - Canal Metal","metal") mkoutput("reggae", reggae, "RadioPi - Canal Reggae","reggae") mkoutput("Rock", Rock, "RadioPi - Canal Rock","Rock") # Test outouts mkoutput(out=out_aac,"reggae.aacp", reggae, "RadioPi - Canal Reggae \ (64 kbits AAC+ test stream)","reggae") mkoutput(out=out_aac32,"reggae.aacp32", reggae, "RadioPi - Canal Reggae \ (32 kbits AAC+ test stream)","reggae")