#!/home/dbaelde/bin/liquidsoap -v set("root.max_latency",30.) set("server.telnet",true) set("server.socket.permissions",0o660) set("tag.encodings",["UTF-8","ISO-8859-1"]) %include "dolutils.liq" root = "/var/cache/dolebrai/" scripts = "/home/dbaelde/scripts/" last_xml = "/home/dbaelde/dolebrai_public_html/last.xml" default = "/var/cache/dolebrai/local/gelnior/jazz/07-patamouchto.mp3" add_protocol("dolebrai", fun (arg,delay) -> get_process_lines("#{scripts}dolebrai-filename #{quote(arg)}")) # === MAIN SOURCE === # play explicit requests (from admins) or the playlist default = single(id="default",default) s = request.dynamic(id="scheduler",default_duration=30.,length=1., fun () -> request(get_process_output("#{scripts}/scheduler.pl 2>> #{scripts}/log"))) s = fallback([ request.queue(id="q"), s, default ]) # Feedback is provided for any file played, be it from scheduler.pl, user # request via the queue or the default file. # By the way we refresh the XML describing the latest tracks. def feedback(m) system("#{scripts}/feedback.pl #{quote(m['filename'])} 2>> #{scripts}/logf") system("#{scripts}/last.rb > #{last_xml}") end # Add a telnet control to get info before metadata rewriting, used by last.rb s = store_metadata(size=20,id="history",s) s = on_metadata(feedback,s) # Prepend introductory tracks if necessary intro_mix = single("/var/cache/dolebrai/local/jingles/in_vitro/DJLEmb2.mp3") def choose_prepend(m) if m["prepend_track"] != "" then request.queue(interactive=false,queue=[request(m["prepend_track"])]) elsif m["track_type"] == "mix" then # This is more reliable than prepend_track as intro_mix is always ready intro_mix else fallback([]) end end s = prepend(s, choose_prepend) # === TWEAKS (blanks & metadata) === # Cut blanks (bonus-tracks) s = skip_blank(length=7.,s) # Rewrite metadata s = rewrite_metadata([("title","$(title) (Dolebrai)"), ("comment","http://dolebrai.net")],s) # === JINGLES === # Metadata rewriting wrapper for jingle sources def jingle_meta(j) rewrite_metadata([("artist", "Dolebrai"), ("title","Jingle (Dolebrai)"), ("comment","http://dolebrai.net")],j) end # One source for static jingles, added between tracks jingles_stat = jingle_meta(playlist.safe(reload=3600,root^"jingles.static")) # Add cross-fading, inserting "static" jingles during the fade.. def fade(jingles,s) fade_in = 2. fade_out = 2. start_next = 2. j = random(id="jrand", strict=true,weights=[1,5], [jingles, blank(id="bbb",duration=1.)]) def fader(from,to) from = fade.out(duration=fade_out,from) to = fade.in(duration=fade_in,to) add(normalize=false, [ to, sequence([ j, fallback([]) ]), from ]) end cross(duration=start_next,fader,s) end # s = fade(jingles_stat,s) # Use the fader defined in dolutils.liq # The smart fade tends to loose some metadata because there is no handling of # them in the generators... s = dole_fade(jingles=jingles_stat,s) # One for dynamic jingles, mixed on top of the stream with smooth starts/ends. jingles_dyn = jingle_meta(playlist(reload=3600,root^"jingles.dynamic")) jingles_dyn = fallback([request.queue(id="dynq"),jingles_dyn]) s = smooth_add(normal=s,special=switch([({ 0m0s or 30m0s }, jingles_dyn)])) # === ADMIN INTERACTION === # More interactivity to come, included live show hooks & co # s = mix([s,request.equeue(id="eq")]) # === OUTPUT === out_mp3 = output.icecast(%mp3, password="XXX", bitrate=64, samplerate=22050, quality=2, genre="Musique Libre", url="http://dolebrai.net", description="La radio des musiques libres") out_vorbis = output.icecast(%vorbis, password="XXX", genre="Musique Libre", description="La radio des musiques libres") # s = normalize(s) s = audio_process(s) out_vorbis(port=8000,mount="dolebrai.ogg",s) out_mp3(port=8000,mount="dolebrai.mp3",s) # out(port=7144,s) # One for peercast # Start a watchdog to tell us if liquidsoap crashes system("#{scripts}watchdog-dolebrai &")