Module Avutil.Options

type t
type flag = [
  1. | `Encoding_param
  2. | `Decoding_param
  3. | `Audio_param
  4. | `Video_param
  5. | `Subtitle_param
  6. | `Export
  7. | `Readonly
  8. | `Bsf_param
  9. | `Runtime_param
  10. | `Filtering_param
  11. | `Deprecated
  12. | `Child_consts
type 'a entry = {
  1. default : 'a option;
  2. min : 'a option;
  3. max : 'a option;
  4. values : (string * 'a) list;
type spec = [
  1. | `Flags of int64 entry
  2. | `Int of int entry
  3. | `Int64 of int64 entry
  4. | `Float of float entry
  5. | `Double of float entry
  6. | `String of string entry
  7. | `Rational of rational entry
  8. | `Binary of string entry
  9. | `Dict of string entry
  10. | `UInt64 of int64 entry
  11. | `Image_size of string entry
  12. | `Pixel_fmt of Pixel_format.t entry
  13. | `Sample_fmt of Sample_format.t entry
  14. | `Video_rate of string entry
  15. | `Duration of int64 entry
  16. | `Color of string entry
  17. | `Channel_layout of Channel_layout.t entry
  18. | `Bool of bool entry
type opt = {
  1. name : string;
  2. help : string option;
  3. flags : flag list;
  4. spec : spec;
val opts : t -> opt list
type obj
type 'a getter = ?search_children:bool -> name:string -> obj -> 'a
val get_string : string getter
val get_int : int getter
val get_int64 : int64 getter
val get_float : float getter
val get_rational : rational getter
val get_image_size : (int * int) getter
val get_pixel_fmt : Pixel_format.t getter
val get_sample_fmt : Sample_format.t getter
val get_video_rate : rational getter
val get_channel_layout : Channel_layout.t getter
val get_dictionary : (string * string) list getter