Formats for pixels.
type t = [
| `None
| `Yuv420p
| `Yuyv422
| `Rgb24
| `Bgr24
| `Yuv422p
| `Yuv444p
| `Yuv410p
| `Yuv411p
| `Gray8
| `Monowhite
| `Monoblack
| `Pal8
| `Yuvj420p
| `Yuvj422p
| `Yuvj444p
| `Uyvy422
| `Uyyvyy411
| `Bgr8
| `Bgr4
| `Bgr4_byte
| `Rgb8
| `Rgb4
| `Rgb4_byte
| `Nv12
| `Nv21
| `Argb
| `Rgba
| `Abgr
| `Bgra
| `Gray16be
| `Gray16le
| `Yuv440p
| `Yuvj440p
| `Yuva420p
| `Rgb48be
| `Rgb48le
| `Rgb565be
| `Rgb565le
| `Rgb555be
| `Rgb555le
| `Bgr565be
| `Bgr565le
| `Bgr555be
| `Bgr555le
| `Vaapi
| `Yuv420p16le
| `Yuv420p16be
| `Yuv422p16le
| `Yuv422p16be
| `Yuv444p16le
| `Yuv444p16be
| `Dxva2_vld
| `Rgb444le
| `Rgb444be
| `Bgr444le
| `Bgr444be
| `Ya8
| `Y400a
| `Gray8a
| `Bgr48be
| `Bgr48le
| `Yuv420p9be
| `Yuv420p9le
| `Yuv420p10be
| `Yuv420p10le
| `Yuv422p10be
| `Yuv422p10le
| `Yuv444p9be
| `Yuv444p9le
| `Yuv444p10be
| `Yuv444p10le
| `Yuv422p9be
| `Yuv422p9le
| `Gbrp
| `Gbr24p
| `Gbrp9be
| `Gbrp9le
| `Gbrp10be
| `Gbrp10le
| `Gbrp16be
| `Gbrp16le
| `Yuva422p
| `Yuva444p
| `Yuva420p9be
| `Yuva420p9le
| `Yuva422p9be
| `Yuva422p9le
| `Yuva444p9be
| `Yuva444p9le
| `Yuva420p10be
| `Yuva420p10le
| `Yuva422p10be
| `Yuva422p10le
| `Yuva444p10be
| `Yuva444p10le
| `Yuva420p16be
| `Yuva420p16le
| `Yuva422p16be
| `Yuva422p16le
| `Yuva444p16be
| `Yuva444p16le
| `Vdpau
| `Xyz12le
| `Xyz12be
| `Nv16
| `Nv20le
| `Nv20be
| `Rgba64be
| `Rgba64le
| `Bgra64be
| `Bgra64le
| `Yvyu422
| `Ya16be
| `Ya16le
| `Gbrap
| `Gbrap16be
| `Gbrap16le
| `Qsv
| `Mmal
| `D3d11va_vld
| `Cuda
| `_0rgb
| `Rgb0
| `_0bgr
| `Bgr0
| `Yuv420p12be
| `Yuv420p12le
| `Yuv420p14be
| `Yuv420p14le
| `Yuv422p12be
| `Yuv422p12le
| `Yuv422p14be
| `Yuv422p14le
| `Yuv444p12be
| `Yuv444p12le
| `Yuv444p14be
| `Yuv444p14le
| `Gbrp12be
| `Gbrp12le
| `Gbrp14be
| `Gbrp14le
| `Yuvj411p
| `Bayer_bggr8
| `Bayer_rggb8
| `Bayer_gbrg8
| `Bayer_grbg8
| `Bayer_bggr16le
| `Bayer_bggr16be
| `Bayer_rggb16le
| `Bayer_rggb16be
| `Bayer_gbrg16le
| `Bayer_gbrg16be
| `Bayer_grbg16le
| `Bayer_grbg16be
| `Xvmc
| `Yuv440p10le
| `Yuv440p10be
| `Yuv440p12le
| `Yuv440p12be
| `Ayuv64le
| `Ayuv64be
| `Videotoolbox
| `P010le
| `P010be
| `Gbrap12be
| `Gbrap12le
| `Gbrap10be
| `Gbrap10le
| `Mediacodec
| `Gray12be
| `Gray12le
| `Gray10be
| `Gray10le
| `P016le
| `P016be
| `D3d11
| `Gray9be
| `Gray9le
| `Gbrpf32be
| `Gbrpf32le
| `Gbrapf32be
| `Gbrapf32le
| `Drm_prime
| `Opencl
| `Gray14be
| `Gray14le
| `Grayf32be
| `Grayf32le
| `Yuva422p12be
| `Yuva422p12le
| `Yuva444p12be
| `Yuva444p12le
| `Nv24
| `Nv42
| `Vulkan
| `Y210be
| `Y210le
| `X2rgb10le
| `X2rgb10be
| `X2bgr10le
| `X2bgr10be
| `P210be
| `P210le
| `P410be
| `P410le
| `P216be
| `P216le
| `P416be
| `P416le
| `Vuya
| `Rgbaf16be
| `Rgbaf16le
| `Vuyx
| `P012le
| `P012be
| `Y212be
| `Y212le
| `Xv30be
| `Xv30le
| `Xv36be
| `Xv36le
| `Rgbf32be
| `Rgbf32le
| `Rgbaf32be
| `Rgbaf32le
| `P212be
| `P212le
| `P412be
| `P412le
| `Gbrap14be
| `Gbrap14le
Pixels formats.
Pixel format flags.
Pixel format component descriptor
type descriptor = private {
name : string;
nb_components : int;
log2_chroma_w : int;
log2_chroma_h : int;
flags : flag list;
comp : component_descriptor list;
alias : string option;
Pixel format descriptor.
val descriptor : t -> descriptor
Return the pixel's format descriptor. Raises Not_found
if descriptor could not be found.
val bits : descriptor -> int
Return the number of bits of the pixel format.
val planes : t -> int
Return the number of planes of the pixel format.
val to_string : t -> string option
Pixel_format.to_string f
Return a string representation of the pixel format f
if it exists
val of_string : string -> t
Pixel_format.of_string s
Convert the string s
into a Pixel_format.t
. Raises Error if s
is not a valid format.
val get_id : t -> int
Return the internal ID of the pixel format.
val find_id : int -> t
Find a sample pixel from its ID. Raises Not_found
when none exist.