Module Theora.Encoder

type t
type settings = {
  1. keyframe_frequency : int option;
  2. vp3_compatible : bool option;
  3. soft_target : bool option;
  4. buffer_delay : int option;
  5. speed : int option;
val create : info -> settings -> (string * string) list -> t

Initialize a state handle for decoding.

val encode_header : t -> -> unit

* Fills the given stream with the header packets.

val encode_page : t -> -> (unit -> yuv_buffer) -> Ogg.Page.t

* Encode data until a page is filled.

val encode_buffer : t -> -> yuv_buffer -> unit

Encode a buffer.

val frames_of_granulepos : t -> Stdlib.Int64.t -> Stdlib.Int64.t

Convert a granulepos to an absolute frame index, starting at 0. * The granulepos is interpreted in the context of a given theora_state handle.

val eos : t -> -> unit

Set end of stream

  • deprecated This function generates invalid bitstream. Please use Ogg.Stream.terminate instead!