Module Opus

exception Buffer_too_small
exception Internal_error
exception Invalid_packet
exception Unimplemented
exception Invalid_state
exception Alloc_fail

Recommended size of a frame in sample. Buffers for decoding are typically of this size.

val version_string : string
type max_bandwidth = [
  1. | `Narrow_band
  2. | `Medium_band
  3. | `Wide_band
  4. | `Super_wide_band
  5. | `Full_band
type bandwidth = [
  1. | `Auto
  2. | max_bandwidth
type generic_control = [
  1. | `Reset_state
  2. | `Get_final_range of int Stdlib.ref
  3. | `Get_pitch of int Stdlib.ref
  4. | `Get_bandwidth of bandwidth Stdlib.ref
  5. | `Set_lsb_depth of int
  6. | `Get_lsb_depth of int Stdlib.ref
  7. | `Set_phase_inversion_disabled of bool
module Decoder : sig ... end
module Encoder : sig ... end