Index of values

(=<<) [Duppy.Monad]

=<< is an alternative notation for catch.

(>>=) [Duppy.Monad]

>>= is an alternative notation for bind

add [Duppy.Async]

add ~priority s f creates an asynchronous task in s with priority priority.

add [Duppy.Task]

Schedule a task.

ba_write [Duppy.Transport_t]
bind [Duppy.Monad]

Compose two computations.

broadcast [Duppy.Monad.Condition.Factory]

broadcast c is a computation that resumes all computations waiting on c.

catch [Duppy.Monad]

catch f g redirects values x raised during f's execution to g.

create [Duppy.Monad.Condition.Factory]

Create a condition.

create [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_t]

create () creates a mutex.

create [Duppy]

Initiate a new scheduler

delay [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

delay ~priority h d creates a computation that returns unit after delay d in seconds.

exec [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

exec ?delay ~priority h f redirects computation f into a new queue with priority priority and delay delay (0. by default).

fold_left [Duppy.Monad]

fold_left f a [b1; b2; ..] returns computation (f a b1) >>= (fun a -> f a b2) >>= ...

iter [Duppy.Monad]

iter f [x1; x2; ..] returns computation f x1 >>= (fun () -> f x2) >>= ...

lock [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_t]

A computation that locks a mutex and returns unit afterwards.

priority [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_control]
queue [Duppy]

queue ~log ~priorities s name starts a queue, on the scheduler s only processing priorities p for which priorities p returns true.

raise [Duppy.Monad]

raise x create a computation that raises value x.

read [Duppy.Transport_t]
read [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

read ?timeout ~priority ~marker h creates a computation that reads from h.socket and returns the first string split according to marker.

read [Duppy.Io_t]

Wrapper to perform a read on a socket and trigger a function when a marker has been detected, or enough data has been read.

read_all [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

read_all ?timeout ~priority s sock creates a computation that reads all data from sock and returns it.

return [Duppy.Monad]

return x create a computation that returns value x.

run [Duppy.Monad]

run f ~return ~raise () executes f and process returned values with return or raised values with raise.

scheduler [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_control]
signal [Duppy.Monad.Condition.Factory]

signal c is a computation that resumes one computation waiting on c.

sock [Duppy.Transport_t]
stop [Duppy.Async]

Stop and remove the asynchronous task.

stop [Duppy]

Stop all queues running on that scheduler, causing them to return.

try_lock [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_t]

A computation that tries to lock a mutex.

unlock [Duppy.Monad.Mutex.Mutex_t]

A computation that unlocks a mutex.

wait [Duppy.Monad.Condition.Factory]

wait h m is a computation that: Unlock mutex m, Wait until Condition.signal c or Condition.broadcast c has been called, Locks mutex m, Returns unit

wake_up [Duppy.Async]

Wake up an asynchronous task.

write [Duppy.Transport_t]
write [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

write ?timeout ~priority h s creates a computation that writes string s to h.socket.

write [Duppy.Io_t]

Similar to read but less complex.

write_bigarray [Duppy.Monad.Monad_io_t]

write_bigarray ?timeout ~priority h ba creates a computation that writes data from ba to h.socket.