Module Avcodec.Unknown

type 'mode t = ([ `Data ], 'mode) codec
type id = [
  1. | `None
  2. | `Ttf
  3. | `Scte_35
  4. | `Epg
  5. | `Bintext
  6. | `Xbin
  7. | `Idf
  8. | `Otf
  9. | `Smpte_klv
  10. | `Dvd_nav
  11. | `Timed_id3
  12. | `Bin_data
  13. | `Smpte_2038
  14. | `Probe
  15. | `Mpeg2ts
  16. | `Mpeg4systems
  17. | `Ffmetadata
  18. | `Wrapped_avframe
  19. | `Vnull
  20. | `Anull
val codec_ids : [ `None | `Ttf | `Scte_35 | `Epg | `Bintext | `Xbin | `Idf | `Otf | `Smpte_klv | `Dvd_nav | `Timed_id3 | `Bin_data | `Smpte_2038 | `Probe | `Mpeg2ts | `Mpeg4systems | `Ffmetadata | `Wrapped_avframe | `Vnull | `Anull ] list

List of all unknown codec IDs.

val string_of_id : id -> string

Return the name of the codec.

val get_params_id : [ `Data ] params -> id

Return the id of the codec params.